
How Long Until August 20?

October 7, 2024 - August 20, 2025

How long until a date calculator

How long until August 20th?

August 20th is in 316 days and 22 hours. It is on a Wednesday and is in week 34 of 2025. It is the day number 232 of the year 2025.

Countdown until August 20

August 20 is in 316 days, 22 hours, 7 minutes and 21 seconds.


How long until August 20th

There are 316 days and 22 hours

From (now)


Oct 7th




Aug 20th


Time until August 20

Find out how long until August 20 in other time units.

Calculate how long until August 20th

Use the table below to calculate how long until August 20th, step by step from 1:52:38 AM, Monday, October 7th, 2024 to 12:00:00 AM, Wednesday, August 20th, 2025.

Time From To
316 days
22 hours
7 minutes
21 seconds

How long until August?

The table below shows how long until August 2025 by day. Click or tap in a row to get more details about a specific result.

How long until Time
August 1
August 2
August 3
August 4
August 5
August 6
August 7
August 8
August 9
August 10
August 11
August 12
August 13
August 14
August 15
August 16
August 17
August 18
August 19
August 20
August 21
August 22
August 23
August 24
August 25
August 26
August 27
August 28
August 29
August 30
August 31

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